The Grandma Gatewood Statue Project | Tribute Sculpture is Coming!

The Ohio Valley Memory Gardens in Gallipolis, Ohio, is the cemetery where Grandma Gatewood rests.
He reports that with the movie Trail Magic: The Grandma Gatewood Story airing on PBS and the book Grandma Gatewood’s Walk written by Ben Montgomery, Grandma Gatewood is getting her share of visitors. People tell the story of courage, fortitude, and trailblazing of our beloved Grandma Gatewood. The project is evergreen, and the love for this woman renews through generations of hikers
“When I’m dead and gone,” Emma told her daughters Lucy and Louise once, in a tone that was certain and not at all arrogant, “They’re going to erect monuments to me.”
Please help us to raise the money to create this sculpture for Grandma Gatewood’s cemetery plot at Ohio Valley Memory Gardens. Also, follow along as we share the Grandma Gatewood Statue story.
My mother is mentioned on pg. 139 of “Grandma Gatewoods Walk” as Mrs. Ruetenik. The book says she had a baby, which was me at 3 months old. My mother, Mary Ruetenik would have been 100 yrs. old, on 4/28/23. She passed away in 2009. I made a donation in memory of her, and the stories she told about her visit with Grandma Gatewood.