Journey to the Emmy Awards
FilmAffects and Eden Valley Enterprises are excited to be attending the 48th Annual Emmy awards th
is Saturday June 17th in Cleveland. Directed by Peter Huston and produced by Peter and Bette Lou Higgins, the story of Emma “Grandma” Gatewood was a project that took 6 years to research, shoot and write. Thanks to the help and encouragement of Darren LaShelle, now Content Director at KRCB (formerly WGTE) we began the project by filming an oral history interview of Lucy Seeds, Emma’s youngest daughter ( then 82) in 2009. The project continued on with a few grants here and there we were able to hire Kelly Sagert to write a narrative based on the journal’s and diaries of Emma Gatewood. We are honored to be considered for this award which recognizes the effort and love that was put into the project. For more information about our project we have a blog page and a “grandmagatewood” facebook page as too. You can buy a DVD of the documentary at