Ohio History Connection “Trail Magic” Special Presentation Sunday 10/16, 1pm

In 2013 the Ohio History Connection awarded us the first ever State of Ohio History Fund matching grant. The grant was funded by donations from State of Ohio income tax refunds. Over the past year we have presented “Trail Magic” from Florida to New Hampshire, Tennessee to Vermont and dozens of amazing places in between. Being able to share Emma Gatewood’s Story in Columbus is a special opportunity for us.
Without the Ohio History grant we might never have gotten the film completed. Thanks to Andy Verhoff and the staff at the Ohio History Connection (then known as the Ohio Historical Society) we now we have the opportunity to share our film at the Ohio History Connection. We hope you can join us. For more information go the Ohio History website at https://www.ohiohistory.org/participate/event-calendar/ohio-history-center/grandma-gatewood