Please contact your local PBS Station
If you’re interested in having this documentary shown on your local station, give them a call and request it.
Contact your local PBS station by August 19th and request recording the show and/or an air date. The link lists all stations who are NETA members, and their call letters on that webpage link to those stations, so you should should be able to find your station contact information.
So, what happens next? Well, getting to our “Mt. Katahdin” on this Trail means finalizing ways to get Emma’s story out and finding support to do that (Yes, that’s where YOU come in!). There is a special description of all this on page 2 and I hope that you will find your way to join me on this last part of the journey in one way or another. On a personal note, it’s been a wonderful trip walking in Emma’s shoes (at least metaphorically if not physically). I truly admire her survivorship skills and stamina and I know that Peter, Kelly, Anne and the rest of our group who have worked to produce these tributes to her feel the same way. I hope that her story continues to inspire all who come in contact with our projects. Thank you to everyone who helped us along the trail!
We are now launching a fundraising drive to make Grandma Gatewood’s story more accessible to groups and individuals. Emma’s story has a wide appeal and presentations of the storytelling program, play and film have been held in many venues since each of these programs premiered and have been seen by more than 4,000 people! Now our goal is to raise a modest $5,000 in order to:
1. Pay for closed captioning the documentary for PBS.
2. Provide funds for packaging and mailing the DVD. 3
3. Support staff time to research venues, contact and schedule events, design marketing materials and promote all of the Grandma Gatewood programs.
4. Fund duplication of the TRAIL MAGIC DVD that will provide a renewable revenue resource for the Grandma Gatewood project. We welcome any contribution you can give to keep us on our trail. Every dollar will get us closer to our goal of $5,000. Your donation will be appreciated and is tax-deductible since Eden Valley Enterprises is a not-for-profit corporation.
A form is below or you may donate on-line with a credit card at OH — did I mention we have some special thank you gifts for your help? We are also in need of volunteers to help spread the word about this program. If you are able to volunteer some time to help with any type of marketing including social media posting and researching/contacting presentation venues, libraries and resellers of our DVD, please send us an e-mail at
Be sure to check our website to find out how your purchases at Amazon and GoodShop/GoodSearch can also help us! Thanks for all your support.
Can you help? Yes! I want to help get Grandma Gatewood’s story out and my tax-deductible gift is enclosed!
Thru-Hiker ($250+) $________ (receive a free copy of the DVD, TRAIL MAGIC: THE GRANDMA GATEWOOD STORY, and a copy of the e-book, GRANDMA GATEWOOD: OHIO’S LEGENDARY HIKER)
Section Hiker ($100 +) $________ (receive a free copy of the DVD of the storytelling program, GRANDMA GATEWOOD: OHIO’S LEGENDARY HIKER, and the companion e-book)
Weekender ($50 +) $________ (receive a free copy of the e-book, GRANDMA GATEWOOD: OHIO’S LEGENDARY HIKER)
Hiker’s Friend ($25+) $________
Other $ ______
NAME:____________________________________________________________ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________CITY: ____________________________ STATE: ____ ZIP: ____________
PHONE:__________________________ E-MAIL______________________
I saw the Ema movie on our Vt PBS station. They did a great job, and I realy liked the Ema actress. Nice job!!