Coming soon to a theater near you….
Marjorie Gilliam Wood, Emma’s great grand daughter, who was featured in the film was there along with writer Kelly Boyer Sagert, producer Bette Lou Higgins and director Peter Huston. A q&a was run between showings with over 100 attending and asking great questions about where the film goes next.
We are excited to say that dates and times are starting to line up. A partial list is below. But more importantly, we want to bring “Trail Magic” to your town, film festival, or group’s event before it goes on PBS. We are excited to come and share her story and the key elements that make Emma’s life such an important story of courage and tough mindedness. You can contact us or donate via email
on the EVE website
by snail mail
Eden Valley Enterprises
1250 East River St.
Elyria, Ohio 44035
or by phone 781-626-4732
- July 25th Appalachian Mountain Club, Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire open to the public
- July 30th -Private group showing at Pioneer Ridge in North Ridgeville (with storytelling program)
- September 3rd-6th Jerome Film Festival, Arizona
- October 14th — Public showing in Gallipolis at the Library (with the play)
- March 26th, 2016 — Public showing at Maritime Museum of Sandusky (with storytelling program the previous Saturday)