Trail Magic in the news!

In 1955, when she was 67 years old (and had already raised 11 children), Emma Gatewood became the first woman to ever thru-hike the entire 2,050-mile Appalachian Trail solo! Before she died in 1973 she had hiked the AT several times, completed hikes in Oregon, Vermont and Pennsylvania. She was a charter member of the Buckeye Trail Association which has The Grandma Gatewood Trail named after her.
The long-awaited documentary about this Ohio grandmother will premier during a Gallia County Convention and Visitors Bureau 441 Second Avenue, Gallipolis, Ohio 45631 (740) 446-6882/(800) 765-6482 “TRAIL MAGIC” The Story of “Grandma” Emma Gatewood May 28-29 “Trail Magic” – Grandma Gatewood Story… 1 of 3 04/14/2015 11:21 AM wo day event produced by Eden Valley Enterprises and FilmAffects and hosted by TrueNorth Cultural Arts and the Lorain County Metro Parks.
On Thursday May 28 at 7:00 pm, find out about Emma’s historic hike and learn about her life when Bette Lou Higgins presents GRANDMA GATEWOOD: OHIO’S LEGENDARY HIKER. This storytelling program with PowerPoint slides will give you the background of Emma’s remarkable life. The program is FREE and open to the public, but reservations are requested for reserved seats (Seating is limited). For reservations and information call (440) 949-5200 X 221.
This presentation is sponsored by The National Storytelling Network and Parkhurst Brothers, Inc. and is a 2015 NSN Regional Spotlight Event. Come back on Friday, May 29 to get the rest of the story with TRAIL MAGIC, the documentary which will feature interviews with Emma’s relatives, Emma’s story as portrayed by Anne McEvoy, and background of the Appalachian Trail and historical perspective. The “Red Carpet” goes out at 7:00 pm followed by a 7:30 pm presentation of the documentary. The showing will be followed by a meet/greet/talkback with the documentary staff including director, Peter Huston and writer Kelly Boyer Sagert. The evening will conclude with a wine and cheese reception.
Friday’s event is a mini-fundraiser. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for school age children and are available online or by calling (440) 949-5200 X 221. TRAIL MAGIC is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Ohio Historical Society’s History Fund. The History Fund is supported exclusively by voluntary donations of Ohio income tax refunds and designated gifts to the Ohio Historical Society. TRAIL MAGIC is the culmination of a project to document Emma’s life by Eden Valley Enterprises and FilmAffects with the support of many people and organizations.
This weekend’s events are being sponsored by: The Ohio History Fund National Storytelling Network Parkhurst Brothers, Inc. The Staples Foundation and Staples/Midway Mall The Puffin Foundation West, Ltd. “Trail Magic” –
Grandma Gatewood Story… 2 of 3 04/14/2015 11:21 AM allia County Convention & Visitors Bureau 441 Second Avenue Gallipolis, OH 45631
(740) 446-6882 Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm email: