Happy Birthday Emma!
October 25th was Grandma Gatewood’s 126th Birthday! In honor of Emmas birthday, anyone who wants to help us make our movie by donating $10 or more today through Friday, November 1, 2013 will receive a free copy of our e-book, GRANDMA GATEWOOD:OHIOS LEGENDARY HIKER! (If youve already purchased a copy of this e-book, let me know and you can have a free copy of any of our other e-books) Make your donation now and enjoy her inspirational story!
Thank you for helping us keep Emmas story alive and enjoy this story about our Grandma Gatewood Project!
Final reminder — if you haven’t voted for our video in the Appalachian Trial Contest yet, please do! The deadline is November 8th — pass it on!
Please vote for our video (it is under Bette Lou Higgins name ) at
For more information on our documentary and our current Ohio History match grant challenge please go to
the Eden Valley project page http://www.edenvalleyenterprises.org/progdesc/gatewood/gtwdinf.htm
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